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Lyle Goes on the Slide, Book Reports, and More Capacity

Good Afternoon everyone! Today the students learned that Lyle went down the slide and read a book yesterday with Felipe. In Literacy we began writing book reports about ‘The Story of Ferdinand.’ In Math, we continued another activity about capacity.

For homework tonight, please complete Week by Week Phonics pages 149-150 and Math Workbook chapter 12, page 21-22. Please also spend some time reading to or with your child. Just to clarify, the students will only trade in the books that they are finished reading when they visit the classroom library each morning.

As you know, this month’s theme is “World Studies.” For our art auction, K2B will be working together to create quilts. Please if possible, send with your child any fabric that could represent your family’s culture so we can try and incorporate it into the quilt. I’m asking that the fabric be sent in by this Friday. Have a great afternoon! J

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