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Lyle Presentations, Story Comparisons, and Capacity

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. Today was a busy Monday. We’ve begun holding our Lyle presentations in the morning and today we heard from Matthew who spent some time playing legos with Lyle. In Literacy, we created a retelling rope to practice reading strategies. In Math, we measured the capacity of various containers.

For homework tonight, please complete “I’m a Writer” page 41. Again, please spend some time reading to or with your child. You now have the option to read the stories that your child chose from our classroom library. Please send back the book bag each day so that students can exchange the books each morning for new ones.

As you know, this month’s theme is “World Studies.” For our art auction, K2B will be working together to create quilts. Please if possible, send with your child any fabric that could represent your family’s culture so we can try and incorporate it into the quilt. I’m asking that the fabric be sent in by this Friday. Have a great afternoon!

-Ms. Megan :)

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