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A Cultural Friday and Some Future Tense

Happy Freaky Friday everyone! Today the kids practiced future tense verbs in Phonics. In Literacy, we began our show and tell presentations about the different cultures we have in our K2B class. It was great to listen to the children share the item they brought in. Afterwards, we drew pictures of the flags and the food from our own countries.

For homework tonight, please complete Week by Week Phonics page 144-145. As always spend some time reading to or with your child please.

As you know, this month’s theme is “World Studies.” For our art auction, K2B will be working together to create quilts. Please if possible, send with your child any fabric that could represent your family’s culture so we can try and incorporate it into the quilt. So far we only have fabric to represent Japan.

Don’t forget next week we will have swimming on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Megan :)

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