Finding Nouns and Verbs, Jack and the Beanstalk, Self Portraits
Happy Monday! Today the kids reviewed nouns and verbs in Phonics. In Literacy, we read the story “Jack and the Beanstalk” and discussed story elements. Last but not least, the kids completed their monthly self portraits.
For homework, please complete page 40 in “I’m a Writer” and spend some time reading with or to your child at home.
Last but not least, the kids are entering the month of March and our theme is “World Studies.” For this month, we will be partaking in all kinds of activities about the students’ cultures and traditions. For our art auction, K2B will be working together to create quilts. Please if possible, send with your child any fabric that could represent your family’s culture so we can try and incorporate it into the quilt. Have a wonderful evening.
-Ms. Megan :)