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Synonyms, Plant Writing, and Reading

Happy Thursday everyone! Today the students and I spent some time in Grammar class learning about word webs and synonyms. In Literacy, the students and I finished up our plant write ups and spend some time reading independently. In the afternoon, the kids attended our very own ASB talent show.

For homework, please complete pages 71-72 in Kindergarten 2 Workbook as well as Chapter 11 pg 15 in Math Workbook. As always please spend time reading with your child as well.

Remember that we will hold our Chinese New Year celebrations tomorrow from 8:45-10:15.K2 is scheduled to perform at 9:05. Also, our Freaky Friday theme this week will switch with next week to Chinese Costume/Red Day.

Unfortunately, I will be absent tomorrow so our substitute Ms. Ina will be in to cover for me. If you would like to get a hold of me for any reason please send me an email to Have a wonderful day!

-Ms. Megan :)

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