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Secret Valentines Revealed, Bake Sales, and Robots

Happy Freaky Friday/Valentine’s Day everyone! What a day! We had a fantastic time dressed in our pirate/ballerina outfits today. The kids began the day crafting their own valentines for each other in the classroom. Afterwards, we went in shifts to the bake sale and it was a huge success! Some kids we’re customers and some kids were salesmen. It was great to see the kids working together for a good cause. In the afternoon, the kids had a wonderful time making their V-day robots, delivering secret Valentine Cards, and enjoying a special treat.

For homework, please complete the Math handout and spend some time reading with your child.

Thank you so much for all of your contributions this morning. Our charity is expected to raise even more funds than years prior. I am astonished at the generosity of our parents at ASB. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

-Ms. Megan :)

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