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Opposites, Raining Hearts, Plant Journals, and Valentine Decorations

Happy Wednesday! Today the students and I learned the meaning of ‘opposites’ and used opposite words to change the plot of a short story. We also began writing our own stories about what we would do if the sky rained hearts. In Science, the students completed their plant journals and made a chain of hearts for Valentines decorations.

For homework, please complete pages 129-130 in Week by Week Phonics and the Valentine addition hand out. As always, please spend some time reading with your child.

Just a reminder that if for some reason you do not know your child’s secret Valentine, please email me and I can tell you. Remember: we need each card in our special Valentine mail box by Friday. Please keep in mind that we will have a charity bake sale this week. Please send back the letter telling us which baked good you will contribute to the event. Remember, K2B will sell their goodies on Friday.

Thank you!

-Ms. Megan :)

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