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Happy Teacher's Day, Planting Seeds, Planting Beans, Making Observations, and More Sequencing

Happy Freaky Friday parents and Happy Teacher’s Day! Thanks so much for coming to our celebration this morning. Us teachers sure appreciate the appreciation! Today the students continued an activity on sequencing and learned a song about growing seeds. We successfully planted a seed in the Discovery Center as well as a seed in our K2B Science class. In the next few days/weeks we are going to compare and contrast the two seeds as we watch them grow.

For homework, please complete pages 63, 64, and 65 in Kindergarten 2 Workbook. Please also spend some time on Raz Kids and/or read with your child at home this weekend.

Please also be reminded that we have a class photo day on Monday so the students should wear their ASB school uniform. Also please make sure that students with long hair style their hair down or in braids so that the graduation cap will sit nicely on their heads.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

-Ms. Megan :)

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