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'OW' with a long O sound and Coin Math Center Catch Up

Happy Monday all! Today the kids practiced spelling words with the ‘ow’ sound such as ‘snow’ and ‘grow.’ In Math, we continued our centers from Friday. The students have become very knowledgeable about each coin’s characteristic as well as its value.

Please complete page 31 in “I’m a Writer’ as well as Chapter 9 pages 10, 11, and 12 in the Math Workbook. Also, please spend some time reading with or to your child. I’ve posted an article in the ‘resources’ section of the website about the importance of continuing to read to your child even after they have begun reading themselves. Feel free to read it if you have a chance.

Thank you for sending in water bottles for the kids’ experiment this week. We will get started either Wednesday or Friday! Have a nice evening!

-Ms. Megan :)

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