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Long U and Letters to Santa

Good Afternoon Parents! I hope you had a great three day weekend! Myself and the kids had a fantastic time at Ocean World. I hope your child shared stories about all of the awesome things we did last Thursday but just in case I will post the photos I managed to take as soon as possible. Today the kids practiced long U and wrote a letter to Santa.

For homework tonight, please complete page 28 in “I’m a Writer” as well as Math Workbook Chapter 9 pages 7, 8, and 9. Please view the videos on the website attached to today’s post. They go with the homework. Please also spend some time reading with your child as well as reviewing tricky words.

If you haven’t already sent in a jar please do as soon as possible. We plan to make our Christmas candles this Friday.

Have a wonderful evening! :)

Ms. Megan :)

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