Verbs and Pronouns and Estimation
Hello everyone and happy Monday! Today the students and I learned about adding an ‘s’ to the end of a verb when we use 3rd person singular pronoun. We also reviewed the meaning of a common noun, pronoun, and verb. In Math, the students and I did another estimation exercise.
For homework tonight, please complete Chapter 8 pages 14 and 15 in ‘Math Workbook’ as well as ‘I am a Writer’ page 27. Please always review tricky words and spend 10-15 minutes reading with your child each night. Please watch the video above for an idea to use at home if your child is having trouble blending. I've also posted this video in the Jolly Phonics tab under 'learning to blend' for future reference.
Finally, please remember to hand in the permission slip for our field trip to Ocean World this Thursday. I hope you all have an excellent Monday!
-Ms. Megan :)