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Special Y, Math Centers, Crab Encounters, and Ocean Illustrations

Good afternoon parents and happy Wednesday! Today the kids learned about “special y” and how he sometimes takes the ‘ie’ or ‘ee’ sound at the end of a word. We also continued our illustrations for topic writing about the ocean. The students spent part of the morning in the discovery center observing crabs and talking about food chains. Last but not least, we spent some time in Math centers reviewing and practicing the concepts we learned about numbers 1-12.

For homework tonight, please complete pages 79 and 80 in Week by Week Phonics as well as Chapter 7 pages 16, 17, and 18 in Math Workbook. Please review tricky words as always and spend at least 10 minutes reading with your child.

Yesterday I sent home the lyrics to the song that the kids will sing at the Sukhumvit Fair on Saturday. If they’d like, your child may practice singing the words at home. Also, please take note that those students who are performing in the Sukhimvit Fair will meet in room M105 next to Ms. Riki’s classroom at 1:15pm on Saturday.

Have a nice evening everyone!

Ms. Megan :)

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