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Pronouns, Number 10, and Sea Horses

Happy Freaky Friday everyone! Today the students learned about pronouns, practiced the number 10, and painted/ decorated a beautiful sea horse craft. Please check the website for videos on numbers 9&10 for the kids to watch at home.

Please excuse my mix up on the homework last night. I assigned pages from the previous night by mistake. For this weekend, please complete Week by Week Phonics pages 74 and 75 as well as Math Workbook Chapter 7 pages 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. That should catch everyone up. The b,d,p,q letter discrimination handout was meant for students to have some extra practice with distinguishing letters. That handout can be done at your discretion. I also assessed the students on their tricky words today. The students have made a lot of improvements in their reading skills and I believe it is due in large part to their knowledge of tricky words. Please continue to review them with at home with your child.

I want to thank those parents who have sent in the money for our Sukhumvit Fair costumes. Please note that the costume fee is due by Monday if you haven’t sent it in already. Finally, in case you didn’t see, our K2B Change for Change container was taken in to exchange all of the paper money for coins. We had a very heavy container this morning but K2A was a little bit heavier. Thank you to all parents who have contributed so much change! Have a great evening and a happy Friday!

-Ms. Megan :)

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