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The 'll' Sound, The Number 6, and Under the Sea

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend. Today in class the students learned that short words with a short vowel will have double /ll/ to make the /l/ sound. We also learned the numeric and written form of the number six. As a class, we created an addition equation to make the number six, found number six on a number line, and recognized the number 6 in 60 on a tens table.

For homework, please complete page 24 in “I’m a Writer” as well as chapter 7 page 1, 2, and 3 in Math Workbook. As always review tricky words however if your student has earned a sticker on their purple card, they have learned all of the tricky words for this semester! I have finished assessing students on their A-Z reading so don’t forget to utilize the Raz Kids website at home to improve your child’s reading ability.

Thank you for sending me pictures from Loy Krathong! I will try to get those posted on the website this afternoon!

Have a fantastic Monday!

-Ms. Megan :)

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