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Two Sounds for EW, Nouns, Halloween Final Copies, and More Probability

Happy Tuesday! Today the students reviewed the sound ‘EW’ and remembered that this sound makes both a long U sound and an OO sound. Additionally, the students learned all about nouns. Please see the website homepage for a fun video and song that explains nouns. In literacy, the students wrote their final copy of their Halloween story and in Math they recorded their own probability data.

For homework tonight, please complete page 61, 62, and 63 in Week by Week Phonics as well as Chapter 5 page 25 in Math Workbook. Please review tricky words as usual; I will assess the students on these words Friday.

I realized that the temporary schedule did not post to the website yesterday so it is now available to view in the ‘subjects’ tab. The kids can continue to wear their PE uniform on Wednesday; I just wanted to let parents know of the class switch just in case! Last but not least, please ‘like’ the ‘ASB Kindergarten’ page on facebook to see pictures and videos of the things going on in the kindergarten!

-Ms. Megan

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