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Q-tip Skeletons, Boo BINGO, and Our Favorite Animals

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Only two more days until Halloween and the kids are getting super excited! Today in class we wrote about our favorite animals and the students took turns locating various mistakes in a paragraph. During literacy, we played a game of “Boo BINGO” with the cards that we glued together yesterday. Finally, I forgot to mention in the communcation book but we made AWESOME Q-tip skeletons! Check out the photos to see what we created. The kids had so much fun playing BINGO that we may play again during our party on Friday.

For homework tonight, please complete page 58, 59, and 60 in Week by Week Phonics. These pages will be another review of our favorite ‘Magic E.’ Also, please work on the Math handout inside of your child’s folder. With regard to tricky words, we will assign new cards tomorrow.

Thank you so much for volunteering to bring in items for our K2B Halloween party on Friday. As of today we have more than enough of everything to make it a truly special celebration. I will be sure to take photos of the kids during our festivities and post them.

-Ms. Megan :)

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