Halloween BINGO and New Tricky Words
Good afternoon everyone! Today in K2B the students learned a few new tricky words and reviewed all of our new sounds. We continued our Halloween activities by making a BINGO board with various pictures and words related to Halloween. Additionally, we sang Halloween songs and read a spooky story.
For homework tonight, please complete page 56-57 in Week by Week Phonics and the Halloween Math handout. The phonics homework is practice with ‘Magic E’ and the students will hopefully understand that ‘Magic E’ has no sound but his magic can turn a short vowel sound into a long vowel sound. Enjoy!
For our K2B party on Friday we are still in need of plates, napkins, and a fruit juice other than orange. Luckily we already have parents who volunteered to bring cake, cups, orange juice, sprite, and gummy worms! Those of you who are still planning to contribute, please consider the items that we still need. Thank you so much for your help in making this celebration so fun for the kids!
Have a great evening all! J