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More Tricky Words, Topic Writing, Symmetrical Monsters, and Love Bird


It’s been a great short week here in K2B! Today the students went over tricky words once again and began another topic writing assignment, this time on Farm Animals. Students used the vocabulary we have been learning in Social Studies and Science to create their own sentences. We also finished our symmetrical Halloween monsters in Math class. Last but not least, Ms. Lady visited our classroom today and brought her pet love bird named Lucy. I was only able to snap a few photos during the visit but please check the website to see photos of our meeting with Lucy. The students have really enjoyed our seeing all of the animals and insects up close and personal this month.

For homework over the break, please complete pages 166 and 167 in Kindergarten 2 Workbook. Also, please complete the symmetry handout for homework too. Those students who have mastered the yellow tricky word card will receive a new card next week. Those students with different cards may have a new list as of today so please review them at home. Even if your child has mastered the yellow words, please take some time to review them at home.

I hope everyone has a fantastic fall break! Safe travels to those of you who are going on a trip!

-Ms. Megan :)

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