Reviewing Vowels, Writing Sentences, and Triangle Cheese
Hello Parents! I can’t believe it is already Thursday! This week is flying by. Today the students reviewed vowel sounds and practiced writing sentences about their house. It is great to see the students use their knowledge of the Jolly Phonics sounds to create words independently. Also, we continued making our shape pizza by adding triangles.
For homework tonight, please complete page 172 and 173 in Kindergarten Workbook 2, Math Workbook Chapter 5 page 12, and the shape cutting handout . If your child does not yet have the yellow card please continue learning their tricky words I will assess those students on their tricky words tomorrow. Also. please see the video about vowel sounds so the students can review the difference in long and short vowel sounds at home.
Don’t forget tomorrow is Freaky Friday and the theme is Rainbow Day! I’m super excited to see this one! Have a great evening everyone!
-Ms. Megan :)