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A New Cocoon, Digraphs, Tricky Words, and Shape Pizza


Hello parents and happy Tuesday! Today during Jolly Phonics, the students read sentences and located all of the tricky words and digraphs they could find. Our Jolly Phonics was cut a bit short however because one of the caterpillars has changed into a cocoon! The kids were so excited to observe the next stage of a butterfly life cycle. Please enjoy the photos of the caterpillars and the cocoon I've posted above. Lastly, in math class, we began making ‘shape pizza.’

For homework tonight, please complete page 46-47 in Week by Week Phonics as well as Chapter 5 page 4,5,6 in Math Workbook. As always, review your child’s tricky word card at home. If your child does not have a yellow card, I will assess their tricky words on Friday.

Don’t forget we have swimming tomorrow! Have a great day!

-Ms. Megan :)

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