Long Vowel Review and More or Less
Hello Parents! Today in class the students reviewed all of the ways to make long vowel sounds. I am spending some time assessing their ability to blend and/or read words with the long vowel digraphs and “magic e.” In math we began studying the concept of more or less. The video shows 'more or less.'
For homework tonight, please complete Kindergarten Workbook pages 169 and 170. Please also practice your child’s tricky word card and spend some time blending the long vowel words and other new sounds that are posted on the Jolly Phonics page under “Learning to Blend.” I also just realized that I sent home the Math Workbook by accident! If you have time, the students can catch up with Math by making sure that Chapter 3 pages 1-24 are all finished up. :)
It’s Freaky Friday tomorrow so don’t forget to dress up! The theme is “101 Dalmatians Day!” Also, if for any reason I forget to remind you of Freaky Friday or swimming class, you can always check the K2B calendar on the website!
Have an awesome evening!
-Ms. Megan :)