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ir, er, ur Sounds, Leveled Reading, Number 0, and Parts of a Fish

Good afternoon everyone! Today the students learned and practiced the sounds ir, er, and ur. Similar to the long vowels, the students learned one way of making this sound in Jolly Phonics (er), but it is new for them to see it written as ir and ur. Attached to the website are two Alphablocks videos introducing ‘ir’ and ‘ur.’ We only had time to watch the ‘ir’ one in class so please show the ‘ur’ one at home. In literacy, the students broke into leveled reading groups and practiced reading at their own pace. In Math we went over the number 0 and in Science we began our unit on the parts of a fish.

For homework tonight, please complete pages 43, 44, and 45 in Week by Week Phonics. Of course practice your child’s tricky word card. I will attach some blending practice with the ir, er, and ur sounds to the website that you can find on the Jolly Phonics page under “Learning to Blend.”

I hope you all have a fabulous day!

-Ms. Megan :)

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