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Parts of a Sentence and The Number 5

Good Afternoon parents and Happy Tuesday! Today in class we practiced writing sentences. The students learned that the first letter of a sentence has a capital letter and the end of a sentence always has a period. We also practiced putting a finger space between each word. In Math we continued centers but this time with a focus on the number 5. We also continued our discussion about story elements. Please enjoy watching this video at home with your child.

For homework tonight, please complete Math Workbook chapter 3 page 24 and Week by Week Phonics pages 41-42. If your child has any incomplete pages in their Math Workbook from Chapter 3 page 1-18, you may fill in those pages for a quick Math catch up. Additionally, please practice your child’s tricky word card.

I have added some pictures from the PTO to the website if you would like to take a look although I am still waiting for more. Keep checking the K2B photos tab as I will be adding photos as I get them. Also, I have fallen upon a lot of new resources to use at home with your child. Please keep checking the resources section of the website for useful things you can use at home to help your child.

Have a great evening!

-Ms. Megan :)

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