Oi and Oy, Number 4, and Story Elements
Hello everyone! I hope you had an awesome weekend. Today the students continued learning new sounds as well as reviewing old ones. Together as a class we went over the sounds from group 7 and sang the songs. We also learned and practiced the sound ‘oi’ and ‘oy.’ Please watch the videos attached to the website for a review of these sounds. In Math we practiced the number 4. For literacy, the students discussed all elements of a story including illustrator, author, and title.
For homework tonight, please complete page 22-23 in Math Workbook. As always please practice your child’s tricky word card as well. I will also post some blending practice with the sounds that we learned on Friday and today under the Jolly Phonics page “Learning to Blend.”
Lastly, I have added a website to the "Resources" section that is great phonics and reading practice for your kids at home. Please visit the webiste called "Starfall" and enjoy practicing with your child!
Have an awesome Monday afternoon and evening!
-Ms. Megan :)