Freaky Friday Animal Day
Happy Freaky Friday once again! I’d say it was nice to have an animal day seeing as we already had our animal costumes ready from yesterday! Today the students worked on the “ou/ow” sound. Enjoy the Alphablocks video so that the kids can review the sound again at home. In Science class we concluded our lesson on the life cycle of a frog and finished our project.
For homework tonight, please complete page 61 and 62 in Kindergarten 2 Workbook. Also, I put a sticker on all tricky word cards that have been mastered. The card that does not have a sticker is the card that should be practiced at home. I will ask the students the words on the card with no sticker next Friday.
REMINDER: I forgot to mention in the communication book (again, sorry!) that we have swimming on Monday next week as it is Week A. Please check the calendar each week to find the day that we have swimming class. I will make sure and update it as often as possible.
I hope you all have a great weekend and see you soon!
-Ms. Megan :)