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Fairy Tale PTO

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WOW! What a day! I hope you all had fun at the PTO! I myself had a fantastic time. I’m pretty sure our parents had the best and most creative costumes! Not to mention the kids’ performance was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for coming! Please email me any pictures you would like me to post on the website and share with everyone. I can’t wait to see them! I will also post a video of our Hakuna Matata performance once I get it!

Tonight we have no official homework. If possible please review the tricky word card as I will check the students understanding tomorrow. Also, if you would like to practice blending the long vowel words you can get the words on the Jolly Phonics page under “Learning to Blend.”

REMINDER: Tomorrow is Freaky Friday and the theme is “Favorite Animal Day.”

I hope you all have a great afternoon and evening. See you soon!

Ms. Megan :)

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