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Long U and PTO Reminder

It’s Tuesday! That means we are only two days away from our first PTO! I am so happy that so many of you are able to attend this Thursday at 9am! As most of you know, K2 should dress in animal costumes if possible and parents can wear whatever they want! Keep in mind the theme is “Fairy Tales.’

Today in class the students finished up long vowels with Long U. Please check the website for a new Alphablocks video that shows us all of the ways we can read long U. Also, on the Jolly Phonics page under “Learning to Blend,” you can find a link to some blending practice with long vowels. I will add the long U sound to the blending practice sheet this afternoon.

For homework tonight, please complete page 36 and 37 in Week by Week Phonics. Also, please review your child’s tricky word card for Friday.

Have a great afternoon and evening!

-Ms. Megan :)

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