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Long O and Observing Caterpillar Eggs

Hello all and Happy Monday! Today in Jolly Phonics the students moved on to the ‘long O’ sound. We practiced and discussed all of the ways we can see the ‘long O’ sound. Please enjoy another Alphablocks video that demonstrates all of the ways we see ‘long O.’ If you would like some blending practice, I’ve added ‘long O’ words to the website. You can find the link on the Jolly Phonics page under “Learning to Blend.”

We also took a trip to the Discovery Center before lunch and observed some real caterpillar eggs! The students are anxious to watch the cycle of a butterfly unfold before their eyes in the next few weeks!

For homework tonight, please complete page 18 in “I’m a Writer.” As always, please review and practice the newest tricky word card in your child’s folder. We will check if each student has learned the words on their list this Friday.

Have a great start to the week everyone! :)

-Ms. Megan

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